- Click the login link at the top of the page.
- Click on the orange Sign in button.
- Enter your user name and password followed by Login. Your user name will be an email address.
- Click the Directory Management button.
- This will open your Manage Listings page. Here you can see all the listings you currently have. Each listing will have the word "provider" or "Product & services" in the Template column. There may be one listing with Provider, and others with Products & Services.
- The Provider listing has information about your organisation. You will not need to add a second provider listing. If the information is out of date, please edit it. To emphasise different services you provide, please add more Products & Services.
- The Product and services listing will have information about services you provide. You should have at least one service to represent your core business. Searches from the home page bring up a list of results that are Products and services. You should have at least one product or service, in order to come up in searches.
- The green tick means a product or service is published, and visible on the public site.
- Click on the name of the listing you want to edit.
- This will open the listing. You can make changes to the fields, attributes, and logo. You will need to scroll down past the attributes to see the logo.
- Once you have made the changes, click ‘Save’ in the top right corner of the page.
Your changes will instantly be published on the website.
- If you wish to remove your information from Haricare and FISD, near the bottom of the page you will see a tick box with Published. Click this to remove the tick. You will need to do this with any Product And Services entries you have as well.
- After you have saved, you can click close to go back to the main page